Sunday, August 26, 2007

My condolences matter -The right thing to say. Forever

The first three deaths I witnessed were grandparents.
But I noticed something that bothered me about my self, and will help you.

I lost my Grand Aunt, then grandfather, then grandmother in a short time.
My Aunt's death leveled me, my grandfather's was very tough, and my grandmother's was a little tough. Right now you're thinking; 'oh that's the order she was closest to them in', right?
It was the reverse. Yes, it got easier on me. But why? I had more loving moments of nurturing from my grandmother than anyone in my life.

I realized it was because I accepted death is real, and then realized;
I could really help the others who were mourning.

In that old family, it was that same grandmother who took me by the hand as we delivered huge homemade meals, sometimes several times over the first forty days.

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